Friday, April 16, 2010

Weight Loss Program Guide for Men: Step 4

Men are built with a higher level of muscle mass than woman. So for their weight loss program, men carry a larger percentage of muscle and a lower overall fat content than women. The good news here is that men can take in more calories and still maintain their weight. Thje bad news is that is that when men gain weight beyond their comfort zone and not notice as quickly. They can also lose this weight much quicker.

The best way to accomplish this weight loss is to take advantage these facts. Increase the amount of calories you burn through a regular strength building program and cardio workout. This cardio nportion of exercise should go between 20 and 60 minutes depending on your current level of fitness. As your conditioning ramps up, move your cardio weight loss program to the longer time or cover more distance in a shorter time.

For most men, the addition of a strength training program into your weekly schedule is needed to kick in a high level of fat-burning. The best way to accomplish this is by lifting light weights at a high repetition rate. The correct weight is selected by muscle fatigue. If you feel muscle fatigue after 12 reps, the weight is correct. When you can lift 15 or more reps with relative ease, it's time to increase the weight.