It seems that vitamin D and weight loss are liked pretty tight according to a recent study done at the University of Minnesota by Dr. Shalamar Sibley. During the study 38 obese women and men were given the same each day. The only difference was that some of them were getting vitamin D supplements.
At the end of the study those that took the vitamin D supplements were lighter than those that didn’t. On average the volunteers that took vitamin D lost about half a pound more weight than those that didn’t.
The study revealed that by combining a low calorie diet with vitamin D supplements you can get a lot better weight loss results. In fact the more vitamin D you take the more you lose weight. There hasn’t been yet established a maximum admitted threshold but for every nanogram per milliliter increase in vitamin D precursor in the blood stream the volunteers lose an extra half a pound of fat.
Another study revealed that around 75%, even more of the population of the USA suffers from vitamin D deficiency. This might explain the rise in obesity levels all around the country. But we shouldn’t jump to conclusions because scientists haven’t yet established if the lack of vitamin D lead to obesity or if it is the other way around.
One thing is certain. Vitamin D deficiency is liked to more health problems than obesity and weight loss. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to various cancers, heart diseases and diabetes. All of them health problems that are aggravated by excess body fat.
Vitamin D, calcium and sunlight all work together and help your body regulate your blood sugar levels and assimilate the nutrients form food. More often than not the lack of calcium in the human body is linked to the lack of vitamin D. This forces your body to increase its production of synthase, a fatty acid responsible for the conversion of calories into fat. The more synthase you have flowing through your body the more likely is for your excess calories to be turned into fat deposits. A lack of calcium in the human body can lead to an increased production of synthase of 500%. This might explain the correlation between the lack of vitamin D and obesity.
According to the current guidelines the daily recommended dose of Vitamin D is of 400 to 600 UI. These guidelines are on the verge of being changed. To get any form of benefit from your vitamin D intake, some studies show that you must take a dose of vitamin D ranged between 4000 and 10000 UI. That way you have a chance to improve your health and avoid diseases.
For more information on vitamin D check out:
Vitamin D: the health benefits of vitamin DVitamin D Foods and the Health Benefits of Vitamin D
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